The bad news is...

Find out what's next on the roadmap to success

Welcome to the Midweek Memo: a weekly digest of the city’s top tech events, personnel moves, job openings, and industry opportunities.

Before we get into this, check out the results from our weekly poll: On Sunday, we asked which post-secondary institute in Alberta was receiving $43M from the province for a new training facility. Thirty-two percent of you got it right: The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.

Now, on to your newsletter…

Startup TNT Happy Hour | Every Thursday

  • Connect with local entrepreneurs and investors at Startup TNT’s weekly happy hour events in Edmonton and Calgary.

  • Join every Thursday to meet a diverse group of entrepreneurs and professionals and engage in conversations about latest trends and strategies.

  • In a world where technology shapes the way we live and work, it's essential to harness the power of innovation to not only drive business success but also make a positive impact on our communities.

  • The Mesh Conference is not your typical tech event. It's a platform where visionaries, innovators, and thought leaders come together to explore the intersection of technology and humanity.

  • The two-day event will feature a series of inspiring talks, interactive case studies, and panel discussions that delve into the ways technology can improve our world and the pitfalls to avoid. Attendees will gain insights into the latest digital trends, emerging technologies, and strategies for achieving human-centred digital transformation.

  • The number one challenge entrepreneurs face when growing their business is knowing what to invest precious time, money and energy resources into for maximum return.

  • The bad news is that it doesn’t matter what stage of business you are at, whether you are launching a dream or leaving a legacy, the question is the same… what’s next? The good news is that like all journeys there is a roadmap that can get you safely to your destination faster and easier.

  • During this exciting and informative session, you will learn:

    • The number one reason for slow sales and business growth results

    • How to identify what stage of business they are at, and ideal next steps

    • What NOT to do to get clients faster

  • Join the Tech Thursday team and UX Calgary for a panel discussion on "Measuring User Experiences," where industry professionals will share insights on effective metrics and methodologies. Explore practical approaches to quantifying and optimizing user experiences in digital products and services.

  • BlueMarvelAI, headquartered in Alberta, specializes in providing applied AI solutions for industrial operators. Their primary objective is to deliver relevant insights and predictions related to sustainability, safety, productivity, and cost.

  • BlueMarvel's software helps operators by analyzing and conveying the most relevant information, connecting outcomes to key drivers through predictive insights, which helps decision-makers achieve better results.

  • Techstars Startup Weekend is a hackathon for people excited about tech! Over a fun-filled 54 hours, participants pitch ideas, team up, and bring a startup idea to life. It’s all about creativity, teamwork, and turning ideas into action.

  • You’ll make new connections, find mentors, or maybe even meet your future business partner. It’s like a crash course where you learn by doing, with seasoned pros showing you the ropes.

  • Community Connect at Platform Calgary is your chance to gain connections and advice, connect with programming and tap into a network of resources.

  • Each month, the Platform community — including members, partners, donors, program alumni, coaches and more — come together to exchange ideas. This isn’t your typical networking event, it’s a way to make meaningful connections within Calgary’s vibrant tech community, and forge lasting relationships.

  • The event is free, but please register ahead of time.

Fintech Drinks | June 25

  • The quarterly Fintech Drinks is a collaborative social gathering bringing together the fintech community. These events are meant to facilitate exchanges, sparking new symbiotic relationships with fintech enthusiasts from all backgrounds.

  • This quarter’s topic? Crafting a trustworthy and resilient fintech brand for Canadians.

  • Speakers include:

    • Tate Hackert, President and Founder, Zayzoon

    • Sandi Gilbert, Founder, DealPoint & CEO, InterGen

    • David MacLean, Head of Marketing, Neo Financial

  • Tech Thursdays is joining up with Calgary Economic Development to co-host a panel discussion on "Leaders in Cybersecurity in Calgary," spotlighting key figures in the city's cybersecurity landscape. Explore insights and strategies from industry leaders shaping cybersecurity initiatives in Calgary and beyond.

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